10th of July 2024 – 10 till 12pm (BST)
In health workforce planning, we often place emphasis on bringing people in through recruitment – either from our own education systems and labour markets, or from elsewhere around the world. However, there is a wider dynamic to this equation– namely, how we ‘train, recruit and retain’ to minimize and manage loss from the workforce. How we develop and manage our staff is much like pouring water into a ‘leaky bucket’ – with people flowing into and out of a system. It is critical to attract, encourage and support people to stay in the workforce, and perform to the best of their abilities. Building the bridge from education to employment is critical, as is the need to maximize the workforce balance over time – if the rate of people leaving is faster than the rate of those joining, numbers will simply not be able to grow.
This seminar will explore the following questions:
- What motivates people to choose to enter or leave the workforce?
- What does the evidence show are effective ways to and improve retention?
- What practical approaches and strategies help people to stay and thrive?
- What examples of good practice exist? Could any learning be applied to different institutional and system settings?
Meet our Panel
Our Chair – Dr Rispah Walumbe
Dr Rispah Walumbe is a Global health specialist with a decade of experience in advocacy and healthcare policy at a national, regional, and global level. Her focus and training are in Healthcare Policy and Financing, and currently practices as the Senior Health Policy Advisor at Amref Health Africa where she leads the UHC Delivery Lab a regional technical hub that serves as a collaborative knowledge platform to advance progress towards UHC in Africa.
Peter Chalusa
Peter Chalusa works with the World Health Organization (WHO) as Health Systems Technical Officer in the Malawi country office. He provides support to the Ministry of Health in areas of Health workforce policy, operational and strategic planning. He is a member of the national technical working group and taskforce that is currently conducting Health Labour Market Analysis for Malawi focusing on factors affecting supply and demand of health workers within the global context around HRH migration. He is heavily involved in the national dialogue around labour export, improving HRH efficiencies through enhancement of Performance management systems within the public health sector and institutionalizing the National Health Workforce Account in Malawi.
Catherine Kane
Catherine Kane is a technical officer on the WHO Health Workforce team, with a portfolio that includes Global Health and Care Workers Compact. Prior to joining WHO, Catherine worked for the Red Cross Movement locally, nationally and internationally, and has held additional policy, humanitarian diplomacy, learning, public health and emergency management positions in national government agencies and health advocacy organizations.
Sergiu Otgon
All of Sergui’s professional career has been dedicated to health workforce development, with specific focus on data and indicators related to health and care professionals’ numbers, geographical distribution, analysis of trends and future evolution projections of the HRH sector at national and regional level using traditional instruments along with new digital solutions and innovative e-health tools. As a part of the Governmental interdisciplinary team, he provides evidence-based data for policy makers, including the number of open vacancies in the healthcare system and share the up-to-date international practices regarding training, recruiting & retention of the healthcare workforce in the Republic of Moldova.
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