Dr Suhaib Asif Jiman – Histopathology Trainee
I love to challenge myself and be outside my comfort zone. I knew the beginning would be tough, but I trusted University Hospitals Birmingham and they guided me in lots of ways. I will always be thankful to them.
Upon completing the training and returning to my country, I believe that I will have the best tools to serve the patients and improve the healthcare system of my community.

What makes IPGMTS work for me:
- The integration of teaching, research opportunities, and exposure to various and numerous cases
- Supervisors who gave me a personalised plan
- The opportunity to familiarise myself with the NHS health care system.
Dr Abdullah Alburaiki – Otolaryngology trainee

The IPGMTS programme posed an opportunity that I didn’t have to think about twice. Training in one of the leading and well-respected countries in the medical field, in a structured and personalised plan was a really attractive proposition.
Arriving in England for the first time with no reference of what to expect or how to settle made me anxious but having the pre-entry programme made every aspect of going to a new country with a different culture, healthcare system much easier than expected. It also helped in being able to understand better what is expected of a junior doctor, how the training pathway is structured as well as practical matters such as accommodation.
Starting my specialty training programme was challenging but I had plenty of support, guidance, monitoring and supervision of my progress by the UHB International Office and the clinical supervisors of HEE
What makes IPGMTS work for me
- Involvement in learning, teaching, quality improvement projects and research opportunities.
- Support and guidance with a plan that is tailored to my progress.
- Exposure to a vast array of clinical experiences.
- Inclusion into the NHS healthcare system.
- The sense of purposefulness and feeling welcome as part of the team.
I would definitely recommend this programme to every friend / colleague from back home who like to challenge themselves and strive to become better in their field.
Dr Lama Hussamuddin Sallout – Internal Medicine / Nephrology Trainee

I was one of the luckiest qualified trainees chosen to train in England. Arriving at Birmingham seemed like a challenge at first, but with the help of the University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB) International Office and clinical supervisors at UHB I was able to better understand how the program is structured.
A few months later, working as a junior trainee in England, I can confidently say I am on the right track. I have learned and improved in many aspects. I can see by the time I am done with my training; I will be polished to the expectations I have in mind or even better. I am certain that going back to my home country as a CCT qualified physician will create a positive impact.
What makes IPGMTS work for me:
- Continuous educational activities held despite all the COVID restrictions
- The well-organised training scheme tailored to every registrar’s interest
- Working closely with qualified, smart, well trained, knowledgeable, and professional registrars.
- The well-respected relationship between registrars and their seniors
- The friendly yet purposeful relationship with Juniors
- Being made to feel welcome, heard, able express and share my thoughts among the team