General Quality Improvement Fellowships


The general Quality Improvement Fellowships, formerly known as “Improving Global Health” (IGH), Fellowships are open to NHS employees from across England, from clinical and non-clinical backgrounds, who work collaboratively with overseas partners on health system-strengthening projects, determined by the overseas partners, and through so doing, develop their own personal leadership behaviours. 

The general Quality Improvement Fellowships last for 6 months, and each Fellow has a UK-based mentor, who provides support and challenge and participates in a comprehensive pre-Fellowship Induction programme.  Fellows use the NHS Healthcare Leadership Model (2013) as their personal development framework.  This is an opportunity for non-clinical and clinical NHS staff based in England.

NHS employees across England, both clinical and non-clinical, are eligible to apply for a General QI Fellowship and whilst it is considered desirable for applicants to have knowledge and experience in QI methodology, it is not essential. 

The NHS Global Fellowship programme is committed to equality of opportunity, to being fair and inclusive, and to delivering a programme where all belong. We therefore encourage applications from candidates who are likely to be underrepresented in NHS leadership development programmes. These include people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, people living with disability, LGBTQI+ people, and women.

Also, given the global nature of our programme, we particularly encourage applications from individuals who have heritage in the countries we partner with.

For more information on General QI Fellowships, please review the FAQs for NHS Global Fellowships.

In 2021, the Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET) published a report entitled ‘Experts in our midst,’ which recognised the opportunity for NHS staff from diaspora communities to contribute to health-systems in their country of heritage and to the UK on their return.  Building on the report recommendations, the NHS England’s Global Health Unit surveyed national diaspora groups and institutions and has designed a bespoke Fellowship for Diaspora staff in the NHS.  Following a successful pilot in Uganda, the Diaspora Fellowships have expanded to include the Philippines.  You will work on a Quality Improvement project (the topic is determined by the overseas partners), whilst developing leadership skills and behaviours.

First or second-generation Ugandan or Filipino Diaspora will be considered (parent or grandparent).  This is an opportunity for non-clinical and clinical NHS staff based in England.

For this Fellowship we are using the definition of Diaspora presented on page 8 in Experts In Our Midst Report 2021 (

Modern diasporas are ethnic minority groups of migrant origins residing and acting in host countries but maintaining strong sentimental and material links with their countries of origin.”

There are two sites for Diaspora Fellowships – Gombe in Uganda and Manila in the Philippines.

The NHS is joining with 50 global partners and the World Health Organisation (WHO) to commit to Net Zero by 2045! As part of the NHS response in England, a Planetary Health Fellowship was developed by NHS England’s Global Health Unit. You will work with overseas partners on a Quality Improvement project focused on planetary health and sustainability, whilst developing leadership skills and behaviours. You do not need experience in planetary health but a keen interest in this area is essential. The site for the Planetary Health Fellowship is George, South Africa.  This is an opportunity for non-clinical and clinical NHS staff based in England.

There has been an MOU between the Government of Kerala and NHS England (formerly Health Education England since 2016).  Since then, NHS England’s Global Health Unit has developed a programme with West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WYHCP) to develop global projects aligned to NHS System strengthening.  As part of a visit in 2023 the Keralan Minister of Health asked for the NHS and Kerala to develop a programme focussed on nursing development which would lead to upskilling of the existing workforce.  The NHS Global Fellowship model was proposed as one option, and the first Fellows are going to Kerala in September 2024.  The Fellows will work with overseas partners on a Quality Improvement project focused on the development of the nursing profession, whilst developing leadership skills and behaviours.  The funding for this Fellowship is provided by West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WYHCP) and is therefore only open to NHS staff within the WYHCP footprint.  This is an opportunity for non-clinical and clinical NHS staff based in England and the Fellowship site is in Trivandrum, Kerala, India.

There has been an MOU between the Government of Saint Vincent & the Grenadines and NHS England (formerly Health Education England) since 2022.  Since then, NHS England’s Global Health Unit has developed a programme with Leeds Teaching Hospital Trusts and then expanding across the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WYHCP) footprint to develop global projects aligned to NHS System strengthening.  Previous Fellows have worked on a range of projects including Mental Health and Primary Care Integration and Stigma Reduction which led to further work on Mental Health Rehabilitation Centre, Community Integration Project.  The funding for this Fellowship is provided by West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WYHCP) and is therefore only open to NHS staff within the WYHCP footprint.  This is an opportunity for non-clinical and clinical NHS staff based in England and the Fellowship site is in Kingstown, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines.

The virtual Quality Improvement Fellowship follows the same model as the General Quality Improvement Fellowship.  This fellowship is a virtual opportunity to support international health system strengthening with partners in Myanmar and the Royal College of General Practitioners.  The fellowship is one day a week over a six-month period around your current role.  This is an opportunity for non-clinical and clinical NHS staff based in England.