The NHS Global Fellowships team currently offers two fellowships with a quality improvement (QI) focus:
- General Quality Improvement Fellowships – currently delivered in several countries, and formerly known as ‘Improving Global Health (IGH), Fellowships. Please note, some of these have specific eligibility criteria.
- Gulu Diagnostic Imaging Project (GDIP) – currently delivered in Gulu, Uganda. Please note the eligibility criteria for this Fellowship.
An overview of each can be found via the links below:
How to Apply
Recruitment for the Quality Improvement Fellowship occurs twice year; once in November for August cohort and once in April for February cohort. Please note the specific criteria for each of our Fellowships before applying, and make clear in your application which you are applying for.
To join the recruitment mailing list or to ask any questions about Fellowships, please email england.global.fellowships@nhs.net