Global Health Partnerships

We have a network of partner countries where we deliver Managed Education Partnerships. These partnerships are a new model for government-to-government bilateral health staff exchanges, facilitated by NHS England, enabling peer-to-peer, system-to-system dialogue to strengthen health systems and reduce inequalities.


  • Create cyclical, sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships between the English NHS and international health systems.
  • Facilitate bilateral clinical knowledge exchange and collaboration for heath system strengthening.
  • A flexible framework that allows partner country and UK institutions and participants to create their own value.

Supported by

  • The Tropical Health and Education Trust’s Principles of Partnerships and NHS England’s Volunteer Toolkit
  • Monitoring, research, evaluation and learning, delivered by NHS England and aligned to its global evaluation framework.
    Driven by co-development approach to align priorities across health systems.

To find out more about collaborating with us, contact: